This month’s release is all about simplifying your process.
Attach QR codes to any Splash email
Add, edit, and remove users using new six new API endpoints
Build an attendee app that powers engagement and drives revenue with our featured partner Guidebook
Dynamic elements have been removed from the library of elements on the Share Card.
This month’s release is all about creating smoother experiences for you and your guests.
Set camera and mic preferences before joining networking circles in Splash Studio
Enable VAT and send invoices for ticketed events
Power your events with AI intelligence with our partner Vendelux
From ticketed guest list improvements to custom sync options with Salesforce, this month’s release is all about streamlining workflows for max efficiency.
Manage ticket holders and order details in the new ticketed guest list
Prevent duplicate records, map custom statuses, and more in Salesforce
Switch your Share Card image between portrait and landscape for optimal viewing across social platforms
Perfect your on-site experience with Xtag
An improved ticketed event guest list is available on all Splash Free events.
Attendees now have the option to disable their camera and microphone before entering networking circles in Splash Studio events.
A new iOS Host App version v4.3.5(4) is available with badge printing and AirPrint fixes.