The 13 Event Promo Tips For Every Modern Event Marketer

January 11, 2023
Last Updated
Event Marketing
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Written by
Camille White-Stern
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In a hurry? Read the summary.

A bite-sized podcast deserves a little bite-sized summary blog to go with it, right?

For this short, informative episode of Checked In With Splash, I am flying solo and doling out all the great advice nuggets to pod listeners. If you’re a fan of Splash, you’ve heard some of these before, but some new hints may surprise you.

As our new year gift to you, we’ve packaged up these tips into a short little episode that you can listen to during your next trip to the grocery store, the gym, the dentist – wherever!

For those seekers of instant gratification, here’s the rundown of my event promo top tips:

Tip #1: Leverage a host committee

Because great people undoubtedly will bring other great people to your event. Don’t be shy here!

Tip #2: Tap into relevant communities

You can even offer group discounts and leverage those key audience segments you’re trying to target.

Tip #3: Don't discount digital

Create demand for your brand by being smart about SEO and digital content - both before and after your event takes place.

Tip #4: Have an email strategy

Give yourself the gift of effective event promotion. Plan ahead and tailor the timing and tone of your comms to engage your target audience.

Tip #5: Align with the right partners

Ensure that any partnership has a concrete value add to your organization. Then give those partners the tools they need to help you promote!

Tip #6: Invite press

Journalists want to tell compelling stories. So, tell press and PR companies the story of your event and how they will benefit from covering it.

Tip #7: Unleash your sales and customer success teams

And give them the tools and incentives they need to promote the heck out of your event!

Tip #8: Recruit executive team support

Make it super easy for execs to spread the word about your event, so that they can leverage their powerful reach.

Tip #9: Make the most of your digital entry points

While email strategy is critical, there are other key entry points to consider - in-app notifications, website banners, newsletters… get creative!

Tip #10: Utilize waitlist functionality

A Splash fave! Waitlisting helps build a sense of urgency and helps recruit those registrants and attendees who don’t want to have event FOMO!

Tip #11: Repurpose content from your events

Yes, yes, yes. This one needs no further explanation, but folks should try to do this for any event – virtual, hybrid or in-person.

Tip #12: Automate your event communications

This will save you valuable time that you and your team can then reinvest into more manual but highly personalized promotion tactics (bonus tip 12.a. Like LinkedIn messages!)

Tip #13: Sell your event value prop clearly

What’s the elevator pitch for your event? Hone that, and you are well on your way to hosting a great event!

Tune into the full episode here, and while you’re at it, check out all the other great episodes of Checked In With Splash that are most relevant to you and your team.


Speaking of value props, check out this on-demand webinar, designed to help you curate your event elevator pitch.
Watch Now
Written by
Camille White-Stern
Camille is the Senior Manager of Experiential Marketing at Splash, a next-generation event marketing platform designed to help teams build and host beautiful, branded virtual, in-person and hybrid events. She directs the strategy and execution of all marketing experiences and is the fearless host of the Checked In with Splash Podcast.

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