The Building Blocks of a GDPR-Compliant Event RSVP Form

June 27, 2018
Last Updated
Event Technology
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Written by
Sara Estes
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As an event organizer, you capture a lot of personal data. And with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) alive and well, you need to start paying closer attention to your RSVP forms and how you’re processing your EU guests’ personal information.

We're here to help (after all, you can do all these things in Splash!). We've put together an easily shareable (and printable) chart of 5 major things you should always consider when building an RSVP form.

Read it below or download it here for reference.

gdpr rsvp form
  1. Personal data: You can capture any personal data you want on an RSVP form. But that's why you need to properly capture consent.
  2. No pre-checked boxes: All consent that you capture must allow for someone to opt-in, meaning no pre-checked checkboxes allowed.
  3. Consent for processing: You can’t automatically opt-in an EU resident to receive further marketing communications. Make sure to get consent for any future marketing emails.
  4. Consent for partners or sponsors: You can’t share guest lists with partners if you haven’t received consent. Include a checkbox that lets people opt-in to sharing their information with partners.
  5. Country of origin: If you want to target EU vs. non-EU residents, asking for a user’s country of origin is an easy way to create a personalized experience on an RSVP form. You can set up your form so that if someone selects an EU country, specific consent options will appear for them.
  6. (Bonus Tip!) Connect all your systems to your event technology: capturing consent means nothing if you're not integrating your data with your key systems. Learn more about who and what teams need this data.

Legal Disclaimer: One Clipboard, Inc. d/b/a Splash provides this blogpost for informational purposes only and not as legal advice. Splash cannot determine whether or not the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) applies to you or your organization, and following the compliance steps contained in this blogpost does not guarantee compliance with the GDPR. Splash is not a law firm, and the information in this blogpost is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney.

Not totally sure who you should be targeting and when? Here are our most frequently asked questions on GDPR from our own customers.

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Written by
Sara Estes
Sara is a Content Marketer at Splash, where she assists with content strategy and creation. As a Midwest native, she's slowly but surely getting used to East Coast life – typically by searching for her latest favorite restaurant in NYC.

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