As a marketer, you know that events are critical to any company's marketing plan. But have you ever wondered how different regions approach events? Our 2023 Events Outlook Report provided survey data from event practitioners worldwide; it examined the challenges, trends, tools, and formats working for event marketers in today's complex landscape from across the globe.
Interestingly, networking and employee-focused events are less popular among EU respondents than their US and UK peers. In contrast, training events were the only in-person event category over one-third of EU respondents claim they hosted. Globally, the types of virtual events were similar, with webinars being the primary or secondary event type worldwide.
The data also supported the belief that driving attendance and producing high-quality content are the top two global challenges. The US and the UK also mentioned that budget reductions were causing them headaches. As you would expect, attendance remains the primary success metric globally, and the three regions agreed that attracting the right attendees is essential for success in 2023 – and beyond.
It’s interesting to note the stark differences in technological preferences around the world, which highlighted the importance of identifying regional needs. The US placed a strong emphasis on check-in assistance and gamification, while the EU demonstrated an apparent demand for mobile applications beyond those seen in both the US and UK markets.
There are no one-size-fits-all approaches to identifying the best strategies for event success in any region. The commonality is the challenges of producing quality content and attracting the right audiences to events.
In addition, event marketers can leverage various technological tools such as check-in assistance, mobile applications, and gamification to drive their target audience to their events and translate those attendees into revenue for the business.
For more information, check out our latest infographic, A Snapshot Look at Global Events in 2023.