Who's Running the Show? A Look at the People Behind Event Marketing's Success

April 4, 2023
Last Updated
Event Planning
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Written by
Amanda Johnson
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A Snapshot of Today’s Event Marketers

We often hear that events are a key driver of revenue in many industries - and that's true, but what about the people behind these successes? 

This Snapshot of our 2023 Events Outlook data focuses on modern event marketers worldwide. We decided to dive deeper than trends – into what makes YOU successful. Let's explore what we learned about event marketers all around the world.

Millennials and Gen Xers Represent One-third of the Global Workforce

Millennials and Gen Xers represent only one-third of the global workforce—but when it comes to Event Marketing, this generation makes up four times as many people as Gen Xers. This gap may be due to the perceived tech-savviness, youthful energy, and enthusiasm for experimenting with new ideas often associated with Millennials.

Women Represent 60% of Event Marketers Worldwide

We also found that women represent almost 60% of Event Marketers worldwide—significantly higher than the 40% representation they have in the global workforce overall. These stats show that women have an outsized impact on events compared to other industries—which is great news!

Big Budgets Needed for Better Technology

We discovered that event marketers need more support to meet their goals. Specifically, they identified bigger budgets, more internal resources, and better technology as key areas where they could use additional support. With increased investment in these areas, event marketers would be more successful in driving customer engagement and generating pipeline opportunities for their organizations.

The 2023 Events Outlook Report showed us how vital event marketing is to our business success—and how much growth potential exists.

Event marketers are essential in creating successful campaigns across various industries worldwide. So we think it's important to take a closer look at who these people are and what they need to be successful — from understanding how demographics can influence customer engagement to pinpointing areas where event marketers need additional resources and support. Our research has highlighted some valuable insights into this sector. By understanding who makes up this powerful field of professionals and what they need to succeed, we can ensure that events continue thriving even during challenging times like these!

Check out the Snapshot

Check out the Snapshot.
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Written by
Amanda Johnson
Amanda is the Head of Content at Splash, a next-generation event marketing platform designed to help teams build and host beautiful, branded virtual, in-person and hybrid events. She directs the strategy and execution of all marketing content, leads organic social media and PR, supports sales enablement, oversees Splash's voice and messaging, and is Editor-in-Chief of the marketing team.

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