3 Ways To Use Your On-Demand Content

February 15, 2022
Last Updated
Event Management
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Written by
Haley Kaplan
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If you are anything like me, you’ve spent the last couple of days binging on the new season of Ozark. Quite literally... nothing (I mean nothing) feels as satisfying as watching seven episodes of your favorite show in a row, anytime and anywhere.

And that satisfaction shows how powerful on-demand content can be. Today, people are accustomed to watching programs on their own terms rather than at specific scheduled times. Whether we realize it or not, this format has changed the way viewers consume content.

That's why repurposing live content in an on-demand format is a superpower in a B2B marketer’s toolkit.

Splash defines on-demand content as having the ability to repurpose live events, webinars, and videos so audiences can consume it anytime, anywhere.

You can't control how busy (potential) customers are and if they can attend your live webinars. But you can control providing relevant content, making consumption easy, whenever or wherever they need it. Repurposing your on-demand content ensures your assets have a longer shelf life than expected and helps grow lead generation.

That's why we're sharing three ways you and your team can harness the power of on-demand in your marketing strategies.

(Yes, we get the irony) Watch our recent webinar, Splash-On-Splash: On-Demand Programs, to get all the insights→

1. Make your live webinars actually simulive

Simulive webinars combine pre-recorded content within a live stream broadcast. They have all the benefits of live webinars for your audiences while providing your presenters with more flexibility for production.

For example, our Future of Events series were simulive virtual events. We had Daniel Burrus, Disruption Innovation Expert, pre-record content for our team about his thoughts on the future state of events. And when he couldn't attend our roadshow of live virtual events, he contributed to each through edited clips of his pre-recorded content. It was easy for our virtual event hosts to interact and discuss his insights live with the audience during our webinar.

Each of our roadshow events was promoted to targeted audiences. We were able to share insights from Burrus and discuss how it was relevant to our different segmented audiences. This allowed for personalized experiences even though we used the exact same repurposed content in each event.

The best part: once our roadshow concluded, we offered those who registered and attended access to all of Burrus recorded thoughts, alongside our discussion about it, on-demand.

It not only allowed us to maximize the number of leads we generated from the webinar, but it helped improve our ROI. Simulive webinars give marketers the power to get infinite value from a single piece of content.

Some other ways to incorporate simulive webinars in your strategy are through pre-recorded demos or pieces of training.

Pro Tip

If you and your team are trying to host an event in a brand new market, and you don’t really know how they will respond to your content, it can be hard to justify spending money. Using on-demand content in this setting is crucial because it is a low investment, with the potential for a high reward.

2. Get creative with edited clips

Repurposing your on-demand content becomes really easy when you break it down into smaller digestible pieces. Just think of how many hours you spend scrolling on TikTok or Instagram watching short little videos. Consumers love the ability to view content quickly and easily. And I can’t think of a better use for repurposing your on-demand content than in this format.

Here are some ideas:

  • Combine clips into a teaser video for your post-webinar promotions
  • Create captivating digital advertisements
  • Use them in organic social
  • Add them to email nurtures

When you chop up your content into small clips, you can tap into the power of audience segmentation. Focusing on channel and promotion plans for targeted audiences allows marketers to reuse relevant content from an on-demand program instead of creating more.

3. Create curated packages/toolkits

If you've ever read the book 'If You Give a Mouse A Cookie,' you know the mouse is going to want a glass of milk. That principle means more than just someone wanting a glass of milk with their cookie; it's the principle that people always want more to accompany what they already have. At Splash, we call this a Toolkit.

One of our favorite ways to repurpose on-demand programming is by creating packages of relevant content. For example, after we hosted a webinar about everything New in Splash, we sent our post-webinar follow-ups with a toolkit of resources, guides, the recording, and more. We wanted our audience to feel equipped with the right tools to succeed.  

When you package your on-demand content with additional resources, it draws your audience in and moves them through the marketing and sales funnels.

The best part about this approach is the personalization of your toolkits. You can pick what you know will be relevant for your audience. For instance, you just hosted a webinar about trends in your industry for 2022, and you're targeting sales reps. Your post-event follow-up communications should have a blog post about the best sales tactics or a guide about how to bounce back after rejection alongside the recorded webinar.

Having on-demand content in your marketing strategy is crucial for success. It can be repurposed in another live webinar, used in digital ads, or even featured in a brand new toolkit. Leveraging what you have is the best investment and makes a lighter lift for your whole marketing and sales team. Work smarter, not harder.

And now on-demand has never been easier to convert with our new Splash Studio, learn more about it here →

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Written by
Haley Kaplan
Haley is the Marketing Assistant at Splash. Haley supports the marketing team by creating a community of resources for event marketers. As a former event planner, Haley understands the important role events play in supporting business goals. Located in sunny Phoenix, Haley enjoys hiking, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.

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